Formalin & It's Status in Bangladesh
Formalin MD.ABDUL HAI ( BAU) Abstract Formaldehyde is a naturally occurring organic compound with the formula CH 2 O (H-CHO). It is the simplest of the aldehydes (R-CHO) and is also known by its systematic name methanol . Formalin is a colorless strong-smelling chemical substance usually used in industry of textiles, plastics, papers, paint, construction, and well known to preserve human corpse. It is derived from formaldehyde gas dissolved in water. A 37% aqueous (water) solution of formaldehyde, a pungent gas, with the chemical formula HCHO , used as an antiseptic , disinfectant, and especially today as a fixative for histology (the study of tissues under the microscope) is called formalin. The widespread use of formalin, in preservation of fish, fruit and other food items is posing a threat to public health. The chemical used as a solution in water keeps fish fresh and makes fruits like mangoes attractive. This chemical, usually used to stop dead bodies from rott...