
Formalin & It's Status in Bangladesh

Formalin MD.ABDUL HAI ( BAU) Abstract Formaldehyde is a naturally occurring organic compound with the formula CH 2 O (H-CHO). It is the simplest of the aldehydes (R-CHO) and is also known by its systematic name methanol . Formalin is a colorless strong-smelling chemical substance usually used in industry of textiles, plastics, papers, paint, construction, and well known to preserve human corpse. It is derived from formaldehyde gas dissolved in water. A 37% aqueous (water) solution of formaldehyde, a pungent gas, with the chemical formula HCHO , used as an antiseptic , disinfectant, and especially today as a fixative for histology (the study of tissues under the microscope) is called formalin. The widespread use of formalin, in preservation of fish, fruit and other food items is posing a threat to public health. The chemical used as a solution in water keeps fish fresh and makes fruits like mangoes attractive. This chemical, usually used to stop dead bodies from rott...

Weight loss procedure to becoming slim

High Protein diet plan for weight loss       Power diet for quick weight loss There is a famous saying that "Health is Wealth and Healthy mind lives in a healthy body". But today most of the people find it difficult to reduce their weight and are becoming more prone to Blood Pressure, cardiovascular diseases and diabetes and the core reason behind this is Obesity. In this fast moving life we do not get much time to spare for physical exercise so in such a situation a healthy and nutritious diet can solve the purpose. Early Morning Start your day with lemon juice and honey in lukewarm water; this helps your body to get rid of harmful acids produced by the body. Breakfast Choose any one or two from the following options Egg white omelet (2) + 2 slices of brown bread, Milk (Skimmed Milk) +Cornflakes/ Oats /Wheat bran Fruit salad / Sprouts. Vegetable Poha / Upma Skimmed milk cottage cheese + Brown Bread Pre Lunch Take black coffee before the afternoon meal this hel...

1200 Calorie Diet Plan by Abdul Hai

1200 Calorie Diet Plan by Abdul Hai, To Be slim Follow the plan: Group- 1 cup. This is equal to a small banana or apple or pear or a cup of cubed pineapple. Grain Group - 4 ounces which is equal to 1/2 cup of steamed white, brown or wild rice. Vegetable Group - 1 ½ cups. Example: 1 cup of wax beans and one large raw carrot. Proteins - 3 ounces. Proteins can be animal or vegetable based. A serving is equal to 1/2 cup of most beans. Milk & Dairy- 2 cups of milk or yogurt OR one ounce of cheese. Oil - 4 teaspoons. Personal Discretionary Calories - 171 calories. This is defined as the amount of calories which is left over [approximate amount] after all the five basic food groups have been satisfied. To put the above information into context, throughout the day the entire eating plan would consist of the following, thus equaling 1200 calories: 1 banana, 1/2 of white rice, 1/2 cup of pinto beans, 1 cup of wax beans, a carrot, 2 cups of milk and for our discretionar...

Ice Cream Manufacture

The basic steps in thee manufacturing ice cream are as follows:     blending of the mix ingredients     pasteurization     homogenization     aging the mix     freezing     packaging     hardening Ice cream Manufacturing process by Abdul Hai- BAU

Freezing/Whipping of Ice-cream by Abdul Hai

Freezing/Whipping of Ice Cream Following mix processing, the mix is drawn into a flavour tank where any liquid flavours, fruit purees, or colours are added. The mix then enters the dynamic freezing process which both freezes a portion of the water and whips air into the frozen mix. The "barrel" freezer is a scraped-surface, tubular heat exchanger, which is jacketed with a boiling refrigerant such as ammonia or freon. Mix is pumped through this freezer and is drawn off the other end in a matter of 30 seconds, (or 10 to 15 minutes in the case of batch freezers) with about 50% of its water frozen. There are rotating blades inside the barrel that keep the ice scraped off the surface of the freezer and also dashers inside the machine which help to whip the mix and incorporate air. Diagram of a continuous ice cream (barrel) freezer Ice cream contains a considerable quantity of air, up to half of its volume. This gives the product its characteristic lightness. Without air, i...

Dairy Technology-Common defects of Ice-cream & their remedies

Dairy Technology by Abdul Hai Al-Hadi ▼ Common Defects and their Remedy Defects may appear in ice cream due to following reasons:      Use of low quality ingredients      Improper mixing of ingredients      Faulty method of manufacture      Faulty method of storage and transport  Quality of ice cream is judged for its delicate and pleasing flavour, smooth body and texture and attractive colour. The reasons for the development of defects in ice cream and the preventive actions to be taken to remove the defects are discussed in the following paragraphs. i. Colour and appearance Defects and Preventive Measures: i) Un-natural colour in ice cream develop due to following reasons:      Careless-ness in adding colour      Improper use of colour      Use of foreign materials  ii) Uneven colour results if the colour is not adde...

সুখ ব্যাংকের কর্পোরেট শাখা

যে ছেলেটা সবসময় প্রেম ভালোবাসা নিয়ে হাসি ঠাট্টা করে,, সেও হয়ত কোন এক মাঝরাতে বিছানায় শুয়ে ভাবে, 'এই একলা জীবনে কেউ একজন থাকলে হতো, যে দিনের মধ্যে কারনে অকারনে ফোন দিয়ে বিরক্ত করবে, ভাত খাইনি শুনে রাগারাগি করবে কোন এক লাল চায়ের বিকেলে তার সাথে একটু হেঁটে জোনাকিদের জেগে ওঠা দেখা যাবে, ফুসকার বিটলবনের সাথে কিছু গল্প মাখিয়ে ভরে যাবে এ জীবনের প্লেট। রাতগুলোতে কিছু টাকা জমা হবে মোবাইল অপারেটর গুলোর বৈদেশিক ব্যাংকে। তার বিনিময়ে কত গল্প, গান আর অভিমানের লেনদেন হবে। যে মেয়েটা ভাবে রিলেশন তার জন্য না। যার ভয় হয় নিজের জীবনের সাথে কাউকে জড়িয়ে নিতে। সেও হয়ত ঘুমভাঙা কোন ভোরে ছাদের সাথে আকাশের ব্যবধান মাপতে মাপতে অন্যদের সাথে নিজের একাকিত্বের ব্যবধানটাও মেপে নেয় খুব গোপনে। ভেতরে কতগুলো লাগামছাড়া ইচ্ছেগুলো পাগলা ঘোড়ার মত ছুটতে চায়। ইচ্ছে হয়, কোন এক অগোছালো ছেলে জীবনে আসুক। যে কথায় কথায় পাগলামি করবে, কোন এক বৃষ্টির দিনে একগোছা কদম নিয়ে ভিজে সামনে এসে দাড়াবে। কাটফাটা রোদে যার সাথে গলতে থাকা ভ্যানিলা আইসক্রিমে কামড় দিয়ে দুটো মনের গলে মিশে যাওয়াটাও নতুন কোন স্বপ্ন দেখাবে। যার পাগ...